With more data available than ever before, making sense of that data has become increasingly complex. Our business intelligence specialists can help guide you from data strategy development through custom dashboarding and reporting and everything in between.

    We know what it takes to build your analytics program

    Healthcare organizations are seeking efficient and cost-effective methods to collect, manage, analyze and deliver information to frontline caregivers and decision makers. Many have electronic medical records (EMR) and databases full of valuable information. However, they continue to face challenges turning this data into meaningful and actionable data to improve patient care delivery.

    At Baker Tilly, our team of healthcare analytics specialists can help transform your organization into a company with a data-driven culture to improve care and control costs.

    Our healthcare analytics practice takes a comprehensive approach to establishing an effective data management program. Understanding each client is different, we can tailor our approach to focus on any aspect of data management.

    Typically, our team starts with a detailed review and evaluation of the current data enterprise by developing inventories, which include:

    • Tools being used (Microsoft and SAP BI tools, Tableau, Qlik, application tools, etc.)
    • Existing databases and what they contain, highlighting which have overlapping data sets
    • File servers and locations where the existing databases reside and what protections are in place
    • Recipients of the data and their purpose for using the information (i.e., key stakeholders)
    • Current data analysts, administrators and scientists who actively query the data
    • Areas of the organization that are currently unsupported or lack access to needed data
    • Hardware sizing, performance and storage capacity
    • Areas of risk from a data quality, regulatory and security standpoint

    Once we’ve established an understanding of the current state, we advise, recommend and often provide implementation support including:

    • Providing counsel on establishing a unified data tier, inclusive of databases, data marts, data lakes or data warehouses
    • Evaluating the best options for data storage, whether on premise or in the cloud
    • Considering options for maintaining business continuity in the event of unforeseen downtime (i.e., leveraging high availability solutions or disaster recovery service options)
    • Analyzing and recommending privacy and security measures surrounding your data
    • Advising on best practices toward establishing a master data management (MDM) strategy designed to bring data together from across the enterprise to create a single, accurate and transparent record of truth

    The changing landscape of healthcare is forcing health systems to respond and adapt. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has increased the volume of patients entering the healthcare system; patients are living well beyond retirement age and healthcare costs continue to rise. Health systems need to find ways to do more with less by reducing costs and improving both population health and the patient experience. The need for information has become critical to measure, monitor and demonstrate improved outcomes at an affordable cost.

    Baker Tilly’s analytics professionals can assist in building the appropriate analytics and reporting program that best serves the needs of the health system. Whether using descriptive, diagnostic, predictive or prescriptive analytics, we can help find the most meaningful areas to target improvements.

    By streamlining the collection, analysis and reporting of data, we can establish key clinical, operational and financial performance metrics to identify areas for improvement. From detailed reports, to graphs, scorecards and dashboards, we use a variety of tools to present information in an easy-to-understand way for decision makers.

    Our analytics professionals will assist in providing data-driven findings to predict and solve problems before it is too late, including:

    • Assessing methods and treatments faster
    • Keeping better track of inventory
    • Involving patients more in their own healthcare and empowering them with the tools to do so

    Baker Tilly understands that data governance and high-quality analytics are key components of any healthcare business strategy. We know that your healthcare data is critical, and that appropriate protections and safeguards need to be in place. An effective governance structure provides healthcare organizations with a standardized and structured method for sharing data to ensure the best possible clinical, operational and financial outcomes.

    Our analytics professionals will assist in establishing a governance model that fits the size and culture of your organization. We will assist with the implementation and guide you through making strategic decisions about:

    • Mission, goals and objectives, committee charter
    • Organization structure, including membership (i.e., key decision makers, interdisciplinary integration) and data stewards (i.e., empowered to implement rules, methods and standards on an interdisciplinary basis)
    • Data sources and integration
    • Data organization and modeling
    • Data quality and master data management (MDM)
    • BI tool evaluation and selection
    • Presentation standards (reports, dashboards, scorecards, etc.)
    • Resource management (server sizing, ETL performance)
    • And many other high-level and low-level decisions/issues

    We have the depth of experience you need to set your governance program on the right path. We also know the questions to ask, whom to ask them of, and the impacts of different options. We have an intimate understanding of healthcare users and their need for information.

    Doctor analyzing patient data on a tablet

    Baker Tilly and Artisight Collaborate to Improve Financial Performance and Address Staffing Shortage within Hospitals

    Oct. 13, 2022 | This pairing brings together technology and implementation excellence to provide greater operational efficiencies, and an enhanced patient and caregiver experience

    Experience matters

    Healthcare data management proficiency

    We have received multiple awards for our data integration and information exchange solutions. We have built a solid understanding of the origin and use of healthcare data, regardless of where it resides. We know how to find, manage and transform data into meaningful information. We know how to deliver it where it needs to be -- in the hands of physicians, clinicians and decision makers.

    Ability to present meaningful information

    Our analytics professionals have deep experience with the major electronic medical records (EMR) reporting tools and data visualization tools (e.g., Qlik, Tableau, Crystal Reports, Business Objects, Microsoft BI tools, and many others). We understand how to transform healthcare data into relevant and useful information.

    Enterprise analytics program and governance

    Having a formal governance structure in place is critical when determining the goals and objectives of your analytics program. Whether it is intended to enable predictive analysis over populations, improve financial decisions or improve patient care in key areas, our analytics professionals can guide you along the way.

    Comprehensive knowledge across a wide range of platforms

    “They are willing to spend time and listen to our needs and then provide great talent to work with us. It’s never a hard sell, they only want to help us. They are always available for any scope of project and always meet their commitments and deliver on our expectations.”
    – Business Intelligence Director and Chief Information Officer (CIO), hospital client