Executive is overwhelmed without technology strategy consulting
Many companies don’t understand the impact of technological change and how important it is to actively manage through that change.
Cindy Bratel, Principal, Baker Tilly

Overwhelmed with the number of available technology solutions? Deciding which technologies to adopt is among the biggest challenges for business leaders. Your organization’s ability to drive adoption of technology and embrace an innovative culture is critical. Baker Tilly has updated its 2021 e-book, “Technology overload: a guide to making smarter decisions,” to reflect the rapidly changing environment and the challenges organizations face when evaluating and implementing new technologies.

In this e-book, you receive the combined insights of Baker Tilly technology strategy consulting professionals who work with clients to sort through this new technology paradigm, positioning organizations for success and growth. Read about strategies to define your business objectives, determine your data and technological maturity, decide whether to host or outsource, all while considering the impacts on your customers, employees and culture.

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

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