Executives examine data reports

As the manufacturing industry continues to experience meaningful growth opportunities, many family-owned manufacturers are beginning to consider if and when they will transition their business. In fact, half of family firms are expected to change hands in the next five years, either passing leadership on to the next generation or selling to an outside entity. Preparing for a transition can help preserve the vision of current owners while also helping set up the next generation or new owners for continued success.

With any company’s decision to sell, the owners tend to have a target number in mind. The question to ask – is the target valuation accurate or is it wishful thinking? Furthermore, if it’s wishful thinking, what steps can be taken to attain the desired valuation.

In a presentation by professionals from Baker Tilly Capital and Baker Tilly, we help business owners understand how their company is valued while introducing key areas that buyers look for in a potential acquisition. From there, we review factors to consider when determining if it’s the right time to sell or continue to grow the business and provide a comprehensive view on growth drivers that impact a business’ overall valuation.

Key learning objectives:

  1. Understand how your business is evaluated on an enterprise value and post-tax equity value basis
  2. Identify key areas of your business to analyze from a buyer’s perspective
  3. Discover growth drivers and tactics to increase your business’ value
  4. Position your business for growth or sale

Who should view the presentation?

  1. Organizations that would like to learn more about potentially selling their business
  2. Organizations looking for ways to grow and increase their business’ value
  3. Organizations with revenues between $10-500 million

Download the presentation

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

Increased carried interest holding period’s effect on private equity and M&A markets
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Increased carried interest holding period’s effect on private equity and M&A markets