U.S. venture capital insights: Q3 2019

The U.S. venture capital industry continues to exhibit robust fundamentals as investors have meaningful cash to deploy, fundraising momentum remains intact and the industry continues to evolve and attract non-traditional capital sources across the investor spectrum.

In the following report, we provide a summary that provides owners, operators, entrepreneurs and industry participants with insights into the current U.S. venture capital landscape and highlights key topics companies should consider as they seek to explore raising capital now or in the future. The report focuses on the following:

Section 1: U.S. venture insights – Summarizes recent venture-backed transaction activity and industry trends.

Section 2:  Preparing for a capital raise and high-level process insights – Provides a high-level summary of the capital raise process and highlights key factors to consider in preparation.

Read the full report

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The USMCA: repositioning your company for global growth