Affordable Care Act compliance with best-in-practice ACA solution directors

Your backstage pass to ACA success

Are your clients looking to you for Affordable Care Act (ACA) solutions? Do you wonder what is going on behind the scenes at some of the nation’s largest ACA service providers? If the answer is yes, this on-demand panel discussion is for you.

View the recording here.

Watch as best-in-practice ACA solution directors share their vital perspectives on serving clients’ needs to achieve ACA compliance success and have a candid discussion on:

  • Making an ACA buy, build or partner decision
  • Commoditization of the ACA market
  • Competition in the evolving ACA world
ACA specialists and panelists
  • Eric Pochas, CHRA, Director of Client Services, Baker Tilly Vantagen
  • Mary Jo Davis, Sr. Director U.S. Health and Wellness Administration Solutions, LifeWorks
  • Michelle Tressel, Assistant Vice President, Sales and Client Experience, Health e(fx)
  • Brad Mandacina, Senior Vice President and Director, Lockton (moderator)

For more information, or to learn how Baker Tilly Vantagen can help your organization with Affordable Care Act solutions and compliance, contact our team.

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