San Antonio, Texas River Walk | TX at night


Baker Tilly Capital, LLC’s Texas regional mergers and acquisitions (M&A) update provides a recap of middle market transactions (i.e. deals with reported enterprise value between $10 million and $1 billion) with the target company located in Texas.

Transaction activity

Middle market M&A activity in Texas continued to decline in the second half of 2023 (H2 2023). Both the number of announced transactions and the aggregate disclosed values of completed transactions declined relative to the near term, H1 2023. There was a total of 30 reported announced middle market M&A transactions during H2 2023, a 21% decrease from H1 2023 and a 35% decrease when compared with H2 2022. The aggregate disclosed value of middle market M&A transactions in Texas totaled $6.9 billion during H2 2023, a 23% decrease from H1 2023 and the lowest semiannual total since H1 2020.

Transaction valuations

Reported average enterprise value/revenue multiples decreased from 1.7 times in H1 2023 to 1.4 times in H2 2023 and remained below the five-year 2.5 times average. Average enterprise value/EBITDA multiples decreased from 8.5 times in H1 2023 to 7.2 times in H2 2023 and reached their lowest level over the five-year historical period (2019-2023).

Transaction profiles

Strategic buyers were the only active disclosed buyer type in H2 2023 in Texas. Strategic buyers represented 97% of announced transactions; 3% of announced transactions did not disclose a buyer type.

Middle market M&A transactions in Texas were primarily concentrated in the energy, healthcare, and financial sectors, collectively accounting for 60% of all announced transactions during H2 2023. Information technology and consumer discretionary sectors also had an active role in the Texas market, each representing 13% of announced transactions in the region.

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Mergers and acquisitions reports

See reports for different industries and regions

Baker Tilly Capital professionals develop mergers and acquisitions (M&A) updates in different industries and regions. These reports provide an overview of M&A activity, including:

  • M&A activity by market segment
  • Transaction data for middle market M&A activity
  • Buyers and targets by location
  • Notable transactions closed during the period of the report

To view more on this topic or learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

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Software and technology M&A update: H2 2023