Case Study

Streamlined processes with Oracle Taleo succession and performance management platforms


One of the world’s leading technology and services enterprises that offers business process improvement and document management, and employs over 140,000 people in more than 60 countries.

The business challenge

The client experienced disparate business and HR processes after doubling in size through global acquisitions. Leadership commissioned an HR transformation, which identified succession planning and performance management as top priorities.

Driving factors included:

  • Lack of reporting and analytic capabilities: Managers and HR did not have visibility into internal talent or analytics capabilities to capture performance management metrics electronically.
  • Inconsistencies in processes: There were inconsistencies with performance management processes. Goals did not align with the organization’s overall objectives and employees did not understand how their performance contributed to their career growth and development.
  • Manual processes: The client used a paper-based process for goal setting, performance appraisals, and development planning.
  • Poor manager and employee experience: Manual processes and lack of self-service caused managers and employees to depend on HR as an administrative function to process paperwork. They lacked the tools needed for effective, ongoing performance management and career development.

The Baker Tilly solution

Baker Tilly addressed the client’s need for a system that would address their challenges while integrating with their overall talent management strategy, process, and change management needs. The client opted to move to an integrated cloud solution. The work included:

  • Analysis and identification of pain points with the client’s succession and performance management processes.
  • Defining a global roadmap for the succession and performance management platforms that integrated with the larger HR transformation.
  • Creating effective workflows and business processes that connected strategic objectives to individual contribution.
  • A rollout to targeted populations with phased functionality and scope and assistance with deployment.
  • Promoting adoption through communications and training.

Business results

The client implemented the Oracle Taleo Succession Planning and Performance Management cloud solution which has enabled the following key business results:

  • Robust reporting and analytic capabilities: Visibility into performance management metrics and completion rates with Taleo’s sophisticated analytics and reporting capabilities. Visibility into internal talent and identification of high performing talent, high-potential talent, and high-risk employees.
  • Consistent processes: An increase in employee compliance with performance management requirements through consistent use of succession planning and performance management processes.
  • Automated processes: Streamlined and efficient automated processes have positioned HR as a strategic entity in the organization with the capability to identify successors for critical roles and build a pipeline for vacancies.
  • Improved manager and employee experience: A collaborative performance management process between the employee and manager, enabling better tracking of progress on goals, performance, competencies, and career development.

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly talent management specialists can help, contact our team.

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