Aerial view of tropical ponds
Case Study

Not-for-profit gains validated business continuity and disaster recovery plans to support continuous operations

The NFP’s out-of-date business continuity plan (BCP) and disaster recovery plan (DRP) were reviewed, providing clarity on business function needs, leading to targeted investments in technology.
Aerial view of tropical ponds
Case Study

Not-for-profit gains validated business continuity and disaster recovery plans to support continuous operations

The NFP’s out-of-date business continuity plan (BCP) and disaster recovery plan (DRP) were reviewed, providing clarity on business function needs, leading to targeted investments in technology.

Our client’s need

A not-for-profit (NFP) organization required assistance reviewing and updating an out-of-date business continuity plan (BCP) and disaster recovery plan (DRP) document. The goal was to validate the document that would support continuous operations of business functions and the supporting IT systems in the event of a business interruption.

Baker Tilly solution

Baker Tilly worked with organizational stakeholders representing different business functions to systematically review each section of the document to: confirm currency of the information, update information as needed, and validate the information was still applicable to continuity of operations. For sections identified with gaps or requiring wholesale changes, Baker Tilly drafted the initial updates and shared them with management for review and approval. Baker Tilly also created an initial business impact analysis (BIA) based on the document updates. Finally, Baker Tilly led the stakeholders through a facilitated BIA working session to update and confirm the potential impact of various interruptions, and then establish recovery point and time objectives.

Results achieved

The organization gained clarity on business function needs relative to the systems and recovery objectives with the BIA. This allowed the organization to make targeted investments in a few technologies that enabled the organization to maintain continuity of certain functions without a large investment. Secondly, the updated BCP and DRP document was shared with all key stakeholders to build awareness of the continuity plans. Finally, the results highlighted the need to accelerate moving legacy on-premises systems to vendor-hosted/cloud solutions in order to further improve continuity of operations.

For more information on this topic or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

Dairy field with cows
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Network optimization models create cost savings for middle-market dairy company