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Model risk management: Implementing CECL outside of the box

In today’s ever-evolving regulatory climate, organizations must be responsive with their model risk management processes. One of the most recent influencing factors is the new current expected credit loss (CECL) requirements mandated for 2023. Navigating CECL implementation can become complex and time-consuming without the right advisor. The data requirements, various methodologies and validation needs can be extensive and intimidating, and institutions often start from scratch.

Watch this Baker Tilly on-demand webinar for an informative discussion about viewing the model risk management system holistically and how you can use current processes and systems to aid in your CECL implementation efforts.

Learning objectives:

From watching this webinar, you will gain an understanding of:

  • CECL implementation process: including timing, data requirements and model methodologies
  • Practical considerations for adopting CECL and key information needed as part of the implementation process
  • Primary considerations when building or modifying your model risk management system to accommodate the new standard
  • The most significant data challenges and benefits of integrating a model risk management platform
  • Interdependencies between existing data extraction processes and models and how to translate to CECL implementation
Ivan Cilik
Today's curriculum for the higher ed HR leader
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