Skyline view of tall city buildings with solar panels and line of trees

Environmental, social and governance - a public sector webinar series

As Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives continue to be a priority for many organizations and opportunities increase, our team of industry specialists held two webinars discussing the importance of ESG and what this means for public sector entities.

Why ESG and why now?

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ESG issues are becoming increasingly important. Learn from our industry specialists as they give an overview of what ESG is and what its impact is on organizations throughout the public sector.

View the recording or presentation to gain insight into the following: 

  • Hear about market expectations for ESG including disclosures, ratings and potential bond designations
  • Discover how the public sector industry is adopting ESG into their funding plans
  • Determine how you can utilize risk assessments to plan effectively
  • Understand ways to position your organization for success using sustainability initiatives

ESG Through a Municipal Finance Lens and Diving into Planning

Download the presentation

Listen as our industry specialists prepare you for what to expect when it comes to ESG in the new year, looking through a municipal finance lens.

View the recording or presentation to gain insight into the following: 

  • Learn what ESG is and why it is important to your industry
  • Develop strategies for ESG assessments and utilization of planning
  • Understand materiality assessments, rating agency considerations and disclosures
  • Learn about growth in bond designations and considerations for designating bonds 

    For more information or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, reach out to your Baker Tilly professional or contact our team.
David Erdman
Managing Director
Caitlin M. Humrickhouse
Scott A. Miller
Boston city skyline along waterfront
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Life sciences industry forecast for 2023 and beyond