Dealership business professionals walking
Multimedia | Up to speed

Disaster recovery

In this episode of Up to Speed, Baker Tilly’s Mike Mader, principal with the dealership's team, and Tom Kline, lead consultant and founder of Better Vantage Point, discuss disaster recovery for dealerships. They cover:

  • Insurance policies and the type of coverage a dealership should have for natural disasters
  • Division of responsibilities between departments in case of a natural disaster
  • What supplies to have on hand and what to include in your “corporate kit”
Cars during rush hour

Disaster recovery part 2

In this episode of Up to Speed, Baker Tilly’s Mike Mader, principal with the dealerships team, Tom Kline, lead consultant and founder of Better Vantage Point and Baker Tilly’s Tom Garvey, senior manager in consulting, continue the conversation that started in last month’s video about disaster recovery for dealerships.

A. Michael Mader
Annual automotive dealership benchmarks report
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Dealer Management Systems