Digital values of financial report

Ignoring your data is no longer an option when it comes to compliance. The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently revised guidance on evaluating corporate compliance programs placing a stronger emphasis on data. As a result, organizations must understand what data they have, analyze it, and use the results to inform and enhance their compliance and anti-fraud programs. 

This session provides an overview of data analytics and how organizations can apply it to their compliance and anti-fraud programs along with several other areas, including:

  • The importance of data to the evaluation and enhancement of corporate compliance programs
  • What data analytics is and its role in helping an organization become business intelligent
  • Applying data analytics to compliance and anti-fraud programs

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly’s specialists can help, contact our team.

ERP software evaluation positions manufacturer to undertake and execute business transformation and process improvements
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Triggers and internal controls: how to develop strong processes