U.S. Capitol at sunset

Continuing disclosure: an overview

In the “Continuing disclosure: an overview” webinar, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisory team members discussed an overview of continuing disclosure, the Rule and the responsibilities that come with it.

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

Learning objectives
  • Role of the MSRB/SEC
  • History of the Rule
  • Overview of the current Rule
  • Role of the compliance officer
  • Enforcement of the Rule
  • Compliance checks and impact
  • EMMA overview
Who should listen

Executive and fiscal officers, elected and appointed officials, and other employees for issuers of municipal bonds.

Download the presentation >

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During this uncertain time, Baker Tilly is ready to help you with practical advice on informing and supporting your employees as well as keeping your business running.

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Next up

Mitigating financial losses: business continuity planning and management during the coronavirus pandemic