Stairs and columns outside government building
Case Study

Baker Tilly executes harmonize phase with federal agency

Baker Tilly helped a large federal agency to define processes and refine requirements for Core HR. Read the article to discover how we can help your organization.
Stairs and columns outside government building
Case Study

Baker Tilly executes harmonize phase with federal agency

Baker Tilly helped a large federal agency to define processes and refine requirements for Core HR. Read the article to discover how we can help your organization.

Client background

Client is a large federal agency with more than 900,000 employees in 30+ countries around the world.

Business challenge

The client had spent more than a decade trying to consolidate 25+ on premise applications. In the process, they had not achieved their goal to get to one system, and the consolidation efforts they had done were very technical in nature – there was no modernization or standardization of HR processes. As a result, they had little to show for their years of hard work, and the employee population still suffered from a poor user experience and disparate and manual processes.

Strategy and solution

Baker Tilly partnered with the client to execute a harmonize phase in order to define future state processes and refine requirements for Core HR. The Baker Tilly team conducted a series of design sprints where we brought a preconfigured solution, obtained feedback from all of the representative teams and continued to iterate it through focused design workshops. We provided practice recommendations on how to achieve the client’s critical and unique requirements, including how to address regulatory requirements from OPM. Baker Tilly was able to prove that the system will meet the client’s needs and can be deployed for the full organization. As a result of the project, the client has a fully functioning prototype that will be rolled out in phases over the next 12 months. The new processes are streamlined and standardized across the different groups in order to provide the client a platform that is easy to maintain and will be easy to grow as their needs change. Baker Tilly is now also expanding scope and functionality for additional modules and processes to include workforce compensation, talent management and more.

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