Vicki Vogel Hellenbrand

Vicki Vogel Hellenbrand


Managing Principal

+1 (608) 240 2387

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Vicki Vogel-Hellenbrand is a managing principal and government and public services industry leader with Baker Tilly. She joined Baker Tilly in 1991 and currently serves the firm’s government and public services industry leader, Vicki is focused on growth, innovation and development of government, education, not-for-profit and Tribal sectors. Her experience includes providing financial consulting services related to user fees, financial planning and impact fees. She is also actively involved in helping governmental entities negotiate with developers, facilitate regional organizational structure development and provides expert witness testimony. Vicki is MSRB Municipal Advisor Series 50 Qualified.

Registered Municipal Advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • Provides consulting services for governments and public utilities including multi-year financial and capital forecasts, budget assistance, borrowing assistance, development of continuing property records and compliance review for outside agencies
  • Partner-in-charge of local government, municipal electric, water and sewer utility financial audits
  • Partner-in-charge of accounting and auditing services for Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) districts
  • Conducts financial risk assessments and internal control evaluations
  • Develops electric, water, stormwater and sewer revenue requirements; cost of service allocations; and rate design
  • Assists with retail utility service agreement negotiations related to large industrial developments and intergovernmental agreements
  • ­ Provides impact fee studies and implementation for water, wastewater, stormwater, library, parks/recreation and public safety projects
  • Testifies as an expert witness before regulatory agencies, courts, and local governing bodies to support utility rate adjustments, special assessments and impact fees
  • Provides fiscal impact studies of community mergers and for large industrial and residential developments
  • Performs consulting services to improve operational efficiencies and enhance internal controls
  • Previously served on Baker Tilly’s Board of Principals
  • Baker Tilly Foundation Board, member
  • Previous served as president and CEO of Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA), State of Wisconsin
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • AICPA Technical Issues Committee, government zone
  • Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
  • GFOA special reviewer
  • Wisconsin Government Finance Officers Association
  • Illinois Government Finance Officers Association
  • Wisconsin Waterworks Association
  • PSC/AWWA Regulatory Liaison Committee, Wisconsin chapter
  • American Water Works Association/Regulator Affairs Liaison Committee, Wisconsin chapter member
  • Speaks on accounting and financial reporting topics at national and regional conferences, as well as at Baker Tilly‒sponsored seminars
  • Authors various accounting articles published regionally and nationally
  • Contributing author in the APPA Advanced Accounting Manual
  • Contributor to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Implementation Guide for Leases


Tampa, FL


Bachelor of Science in accounting
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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