Jodi L. Dobson

Jodi Dobson



+1 (608) 240 2469

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Jodi Dobson is the firm's public sector technical leader and a principal on the energy and utilities team. She has more than 20 years of experience serving municipal utilities, villages, cities, counties and state agencies. Jodi's experience includes performing financial audits, single audits as well as preparing rate studies, cost of service studies, rate designs and financial forecasts. She also oversees enterprise resource planning (ERP) system selections, organizational assessments, fraud investigations and agreed-upon procedure engagements. Jodi is active in national and state industry associations.

  • Oversees financial and single audits for municipal electric, water, wastewater, stormwater and transit utilities, joint action agencies and municipalities
  • Leads agreed upon procedure reviews related to contract compliance for utilities, joint action agencies, regulatory bodies and municipalities
  • Facilitates utility rate studies, including cost of service studies and rate design options, as well as development of connection fees and impact fees
  • Assists governmental units with interpretation and implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards
  • Analyzes the financial impact of construction projects on utility customer rates, borrowing needs and operational results
  • Directs the preparation of annual operating budgets and long-range financial forecasts considering capital needs, financing, desired cash reserves and rate implications
  • Provides support to municipal utilities with complex retail and wholesale rate issues
  • Leads special projects, including chart of account separations, specific rate designs, departmental cost analysis, development of connection fees and impact fees, operational benchmarking and basis of accounting conversions
  • Compiles annual reports to regulatory agencies
  • Performs compliance audits of federal and state funded programs under OMB Uniform Guidance
  • Conducts fraud investigations for municipalities and counties
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • American Public Power Association (APPA) – utility education courses instructor
  • Government Finance Officers Association Comprehensive Annual Financial Report reviewer
  • Illinois Government Finance Officers Association
  • Illinois Municipal Utilities Association
  • Municipal Electric Utilities of Wisconsin
  • Michigan Municipal Electric Association
  • Wisconsin Section of American Water Works Association, Board of Trustees, 2019 Chair and 2020 Past Chair
  • Wisconsin Government Finance Officers Association
  • Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Wisconsin Public Transportation Association
  • Wisconsin Rural Water Association
  • Chair – Baker Tilly Utility University annual conference
  • Contributing author – APPA – “Advanced public utility accounting guidebook” (2019)
  • Contributing author – APPA – “Advanced utility accounting manual” (2012)


Madison, WI


Carthage College (Kenosha, Wisconsin)
Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting and international business

Jodi's upcoming events


Utility University: GASB update: what is new and what is coming